Wabi Sabi Alert everyone!
Homemade Simple, a lovely newsletter with homekeeping and decorating ideas has discovered the joys of Wabi Sabi living. To quote:
Wabi-sabi is a set of ancient Japanese principles that center on celebrating and finding beauty in the imperfect and unconventional. Wabi is new,
fresh and unfinished, while sabi is beauty that comes with age, wisdom and use.
(quoted from Homemadesimple.com)
I've been focusing on finishing lately. My next post will cover the fine art of sewing up the pieces of a sweater to produce a splendid FO. Since I've been working on this particular sweater (the purple mohair and ribbon shown in one of my first posts) it can certainly claim a beauty that comes with age!
Shown here is a practice swatch for this flat-seamed finishing technique. Above is the soon-to-be finished object. Stay tuned!