Friday, February 15, 2008

Welcome to My Stash Alberta Postcards!

The Wabi Sabi Knitter invites you to raid her stash and check out this great blog!

This week I met Diane who, bless her, is the first person outside my small group of friends who has commented on my site. Because of her kind comment I am now a bit more courageous about sharing my blog with the wide world. It turns out that she is a talented photographer and writer as evidenced by her blog, Alberta Postcards, Conspire to Inspire at This blog is sure to inspire you whatever your art or craft. It's inspired me to take and post more pictures of my yarn and knitting projects. Enjoy this great site.

The comment by the Alberta Postcards author has also inspired me to take a second look at how I learned to knit and how other knitters have learned their craft. That post will be forthcoming; I hope to share some tips on surviving and enjoying the learning curve to knitting proficiency (or just capability!) If you have some tips or ideas you'd like to share, please comment now! I'll incorporate your comments into that post later.

I decided that it will be a Wabi Sabi Knitter tradition to formally introduce new blogs and welcome them. Now go blog, knit and be happy!

3 comments: said...

wow, what a delightful surprise. I just dropped in and now I'm blushing but am incredibly appreciative of your kind words and recommendation. I have a wee change to let you know about: my url for my blog has changed. It's the same blog, same name, same everything except now it's located at
I hope that doesn't cause too much of an inconvenience.

I'm really looking forward to your future posts and learning!

Alberta Postcards
Diane's Flickr photos

Wabi Sabi Knitter said...

I'm glad to have the new address. I'll edit the post. You raise a lot of good points and are a great writer and photographer. I'm glad to send readers your way!

It's been busy in WS Knitter Land (unfortunately, not busy with knitting projects). I want to post on your comment about people fearing nature; I read on the National Wildlife page about their promotion of the green hour. I'll go back and check on it and post on your site.

Thanks & happy writing!
Chris said...

Chris, thanks bunches! I'm really looking forward to your future posts!
