Hello friends and knitters. Take a break with me. A little tea time for the soul. Below are the kanji symbols for gratitutde. And, today, I'm grateful for the finished object I'm posting and bragging about.
(from: http://www.kanjisymbol.net/mean/gratitude.html)
Have you considered a felting project? If not, maybe this post will tempt you.
This year I resolved to report on just a few of the great craft projects that I witness. I wish I had more time to celebrate all the wonderful crafting achievements of crafters I know personally and those who give me a glimpse of their craft through blogs, Flickr etc. There is so much creativity around us. Today, I'm focused on stopping to smell the roses in the wide world's craft garden.
My life is wonderfully busy right now (caring for my children, work, studying, writing, knitting, etc) so my craft time is a little cramped and I'm glorying in the finished objects of my crafting family.
This week I feature a beautiful felted bag by Evie, my friend and Ravelry buddy. While she was working on it I saw yards of shapeless and formless stockinette. Then one day she was toting this gorgeous, functional, and (quite) sturdy bag. It struck me that felting requries good patterns, measurements, and a leap of faith. It wouldn't hurt if the spirit of faith had a good agitating washer with super-hot water as an accomplice.
So go out and appreciate the wide world of crafting. Go and visit Knitty.com and search "felt." There is a great "Felt This!" article. Send me your pics and I'll be glad to post and brag about your project. Be inspired to take a leap of faith and try a new project. Maybe felting. Whatever it is, enjoy!
Wow! Amazing! Stupendous! Fantabulous! Congratulations to Evie! It does make me want to felt something, if only for the excuse to turn up the water heater.
Great to hear all is well with you. Love ya.
Well I admit I haven't felted and I really admire your beautiful finished project, though I've gone a different creative route. For 2009 I have made a pact with myself to learn or experience at least one new thing every month in 2009. So far I've exceeded the one thing each month. I've even learned how to do a simple origami (peace crane) -- all self taught.
Continue on your crafting journey!
I love the idea of learning one new thing a month. Ohhh...perhaps in 2010 for me. I'd love to see the origami. Thanks for the inspiration!
so cool!
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