I am not a speedy knitter. I don't have a lot of time to knit (see previous post). The most important conclusion from these two facts: time is my friend. Lots of time. Time to plan and get a project done. I've decided to count down to holiday season 2010. This will inspire and allow me to make at least one hand-knitted gift this Christmas. So, join me as I begin this journey and countdown to holidays 2010. I know you're wondering: will the recipient appreciate hand-made gifts in particular and knitting in general? A resounding, "Yes!" I am blessed with people who clamor for knitted gifts. A blessing and a curse, really.
Let's talk about resources. I am looking first at Interweave magazine's Holiday Gift Guide 2009. It has some great ideas such as little mice ornaments and the Tapestry Mittens would make stunning gifts. I am also partial to the Wine and Roses Mitts. (Hint to my knitting buddies, I'd love a pair myself!) Also check out the Interweave website http://interweaveknits.com. They have wonderful ideas. I just typed "Christmas" into the search box and am inspired.
What have been your favorite patterns from Christmas past? Hanukkah? Winter Solstice? Please share the inspiration. I particularly want to know the responses from the lucky ones who received knitted gifts.
Interweave is just one wonderful resource out of many. I'll be blogging about my search for a Christmas pattern this month and sharing more resources. I hope to have made a choice by February 25, 2010. I'll keep you posted. Keep knitting! Be well!
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